The Altons Summer Show is a lovely traditional village flower show. Although village based, entries from the wider community are welcomed. It is a non-profit organisation run by a local volunteer committee with the help of additional volunteers during the show event.
The first Altons show was held in midsummer 2005 instigated by David Collison, a passionate gardener and member of the community. He was assisted by Lionel Dobson who for most of his life had been a gardener in and around the parish. Today it is a very popular event in the village calendar.

Entries are staged in the Coronation Hall. Once judging has taken place, the hall is opened to view the exhibits, enjoy refreshments (especially the wonderful home made cakes) & meet friends and neighbours. Prize giving is at 3.30 and there are lots of cups up for grabs.

HELP – If you can help us on the Sunday: morning to set up the show, during the day to help run the show or at the end of show-day to clear up, please do get in touch with Hayley (07582 636017) or Deborah (07736 120597). Enthusiastic volunteers are most welcome & needed to ensure the continued success of the show.
ADVERTISING – We would like to hear from anyone wishing to advertise in our show programme or on the website.
IDEAS – If you feel there is a show category worth adding to the show schedule for another year, please let us know as we do like to consider new ideas. 2025 is special as it is the show's 20th anniversary. Designs for the show will start in February with class categories finalised by March to give everyone plenty of time to plan their planting timetable!
FUNDING – We are a non-profit organisation. We rely on the income from advertising, exhibitor fee (£1.00 per section, children free), spectator entry fee (£0.50, U16 free), raffle and donations all of which are used to stage the show. Any surplus from the show goes back to the Coronation Hall funds to be used for community events.